
All the FPMT centres, groups, projects and services within the UK want your experience when making a connection and spending any time with us to be welcoming, inclusive and rewarding.

We really appreciate receiving positive feedback when things go well. We also really want to hear from you when difficulties arise so we can learn from this and make amends where possible.

Protection From Harm And Abuse

In particular it is important that anyone coming into contact with the FPMT within the UK feels safe and is free from harm. The main three centres (Jamyang London, Jamyang Leeds and Land of Joy) are registered Charitable Trusts. The Foundation for the Development of Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW) is a global charity registered in the UK. Study Groups are linked to the main centres but are independent entities in terms of safeguarding procedures, finances and the internal structure that manages their day-to-day activities. All these UK based organisations are affiliated and pending affiliates, and have safeguarding, confidentiality, grievance and other policies which you can request from them at any time.

All of those in positions or roles of responsibility within the different centres, groups or projects will have signed the International FPMT Ethical Policy, and are aware of the guidance for problems solving within the FPMT. They will also have made a signed confirmation to confirm that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the Protecting from Abuse (Safeguarding) policy.

If You Have a Complaint

If you feel the service you receive from any of the UK FPMT centres, groups or projects falls short of their stated aims, or is problematic in some way, then please approach the centre director, the Chair of Trustees, or the study group coordinator accordingly, to make them aware so they can do their best to resolve the matter swiftly and amicably using their individual grievance and other procedures.You may find contact details in our Centre Directory.

If You Have a Safeguarding Concern

If your concern is about an immediate safety or wellbeing issue you should contact the police or emergency services by ringing 999.

If it is not an emergency and you want to talk with the police, dial 101.

If you wish to make a safeguarding referral regarding a child, you can contact Children’s Social Care in the county where they are resident or the NSPCC can advise you in deciding who you should contact.

Contact us | NSPCC

If you wish to make a less urgent safeguarding referral regarding an adult who is deemed to be at risk you can contact Adult Social Care in the county where they are resident.

It is important that everyone is safe and respected when they visit FPMT UK centres and groups. If you have any concerns in relation to inappropriate conduct, discrimination, actual or potential physical, emotional, sexual abuse or spiritual abuse, or issues of bullying and harassment please let us know.

You can approach the centre director, chair of their board, designated safeguarding lead or study group coordinator in person, or by email or telephone, to make them aware so they can do their best to address the matter promptly. Each of the centres or study groups will have designated people who are responsible for safeguarding and protecting people from harm.

You may find contact details in our Centre Directory.

FPMT UK takes safeguarding matters extremely seriously and we want to make it possible for those who may be hesitant or unsure how to proceed to feel confident to come forward. If you would prefer to contact the FPMT UK safeguarding team by encrypted email you can do so at [email protected].

Your email will be first read by the FPMT UK Coordinator, who will in discussion with you, decide how best to proceed. Please indicate if you are willing to be contacted by phone and how and when best to reach you, or whether you wish to proceed by email in the first instance.

If it is acceptable to you, the matter will be confidentially passed to the centre or group where the concern arose so that they can follow their relevant procedures and also let you know of an approximate timeline. When the way forward is not clear, the FPMT coordinator will confidentially consult, with your permission and without giving any names, with one or two of the designated safeguarding lead/s to suggest an appropriate way forward.

It is important to all the centres, study groups and projects in the FPMT in the UK that all safeguarding concerns are responded to in a caring and timely way.